Thursday, November 1, 2007

Project management

Concrete begin middle and end within a defined time frame

Defined sets of tasks
Defined time frame
Defined milestones

Grease-Glue-Ring leader

"everyone is jumping through the right hoops at the right time and not getting burned"

- the bane of the self employed and my downfall as an independent designer!

Money is a big issue for many people in the world

(Good) communication is the most important thing in the process of project management

Key Stakeholders ->
Person who signs the check
Person who certifies that the job is done

Needs Assessment ->
What needs to be done (not necessarily what the client may think or ask for initially)
'Change management training' - often the solution is a change in processes at the company or incentives rather than training

Statement of Work ->

1 comment:

Come and See Africa said...

I enjoyed his presentation. Talking about PM and doing PM is two different things. Hope you can apply some of gems Rod showed us.