Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pat Donohue visit and lecture

How we learn and what technology can do to help that.

Psycho physiological measures in the classroom:
Psycho physiological measures = interfacing with signals from the learner to assess how they are using the software/tool/curiculum
Facial Analysis
Heat thermo sensitive skin
Pressure sensitive mice/input tools

Affective learning

Qualitative study-> Use of graphing calculators in class (often few students do the actual work) sharing results?

Collaborative learning: Work together on what you are looking at and learn from each other as you progress towards a goal

as opposed to cooperative learning where tasks are divided

Learn more when a conversation causes feedback or discussion rather than agreement

Grounding our understanding: people negotiate how each other thinks/what they know about a topic (assesses overlap)

What's going on socially that effects learning?

Qualitative and quantitative analysis examples


Come and See Africa said...

Desmond who is taking this class online will appreciate your summary on Pat's presentation. Thanks,


Desmond said...

Yes, I do!

I was hoping that this speaker along with ALL classes, be recorded so that online learners can get the most of the experience. Thanks for do the summary!